New Recruits Post Here

Hello Kin of Kins


I am Aesger, I have 2 Alts (Sventer and brynhidariel), and I am 51.

I have been playing Rpg's since I was a young lad playing DND. I have always played a Tank. So far I have my main Aesger as a weaponsmith, Sventer is my explorer, and brynhidariel is my armorer. 

I don't know what I like to run since I have not really played through a lot, I ran through minas with Drac, did a helms deep run solo, but that is all. 

I look forward to doing instances with you all, hopefully sooner than later.




Welcome to the WoC, Aesger, please join in on chat as much as you feel comfortable with, ask questions and don't hesitate to ask for aod when needed.

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